Indigenous wisdoms (and the process of re-indigenizing) combined with arts, somatics, trance work and mindfulness are critical tools to support us through these important times of collective transformation. Through our work you will reconnect to your land-based ancestors and your higher self.
My work also places a special focus on rebalancing and energies of historical harms experienced by people socialized as women, femme, queer or people of color. My work is to support all beings in getting free from the stories that no longer serve us.
I am a futurist so I work with clients to address and release old stories and transform these energies to enact their most exciting and joyful lives. I specialize in co-creating life maps with clients. These maps can be values or action based and support people in finding their North Stars during times of deep transformation. We work together to tools that will guide you as you rebuild your life to be more deeply in alignment with your core desires and highest callings.
I also create custom herbal blends and do ceremonial offerings at sacred energy sites to amplify the impact of our collaboration.
In a session with me we might do a small ceremony, meditation, some channeling work, a somatic activity or an art exercise. I design my approach based upon your needs, intuitions and goals so that together we co-create a fertile ground for your rebirth and transformation.
Packages start at $777 and can include online work, in person ceremonies or site specific retreats. Payment plans and some scholarships are available. Send me a message here to set up your consultation.