Let’s connect across spacetime and activate your highest timeline!

photo by AnAkA

Sign up for a free consultation or for our newsletter to be advised of upcoming projects!

I offer

  • regular classes for small groups in liberation

  • online and in-person ceremonies and performance events

  • private coaching packages for liberation, somatics, the erotic, decolonization, mindfulness and indigenous wisdom (primarily through Uto-Aztecan traditions)

  • small group retreats

  • writing and art commissions

  • ceremony facilitation

  • arts based and indigenous research (via Xi’im Ek Balam)

  • culturally relevant community engagement strategies (via Xi’im Ek Balam)

  • organizational coaching, planning and transition design (via Xi’im Ek Balam)

Set up a call and let’s co-design a vision to manifest liberation. Payment plans and sliding scale options are available for most offerings. Send a message so we can co-design something that meets your needs.