
Image by Aleanu Matthee

Many people who have been socialized as women, femmes, people of color or other beings historically repressed in your society have a memory of violence tied to the expression of anger and the erotic.

Now it is very important to learn about these energies and alchemize them to share your power in a meaningful, life-centered and transformative way.

My work is to support you each in walking as jaguars, in remembering your power and walking in it.
— Black Jaguar Corn Woman

Black Jaguar Corn Woman

Black Jaguar Corn Woman (Jaguar) is an extra dimensional being that is channeled by Ixchel Tonantzin Xochitlzihuatl. Jaguar is a spirit that has guided Ixchel during her process of liberation and now that spirit is integrated into her coaching work, writing practice and art practice.

Jaguar is an entity deeply tied to earth medicine and the alchamization of emotions that are often socialized as being dangerous or challenging to express.

The practice of channeling jaguar is influenced by sacred theatre, Story Medicine (Dr. Renda Dionne Madrigal), ancestral traditions of mask making and performance in Uto-Aztecan cultures and trance-state spiritual practices.

I am here to help people release and to make it fun. People are afraid to change now but change is coming. You are gripping to the past in fear but what you forget is that change can be exciting.

I am here to help you remember the deep part of you that wants to re-merge with me, the Earth Momma and All That Is. There is a part of you that wants to feel the slipperiness of the divine, that wants to just melt into the fabric of the stars, that doesn’t want to fight the call anymore. I am here to help you let go.”
— Black Jaguar Corn Woman